Meet Our Team!
At Wise Heart Nutrition, we specialize in providing services using an anti-diet, values-centered, & body liberation approach for teens and adults who struggle with disordered eating / eating disorders and/or chronic illness, and we specialize in ADHD. All of our providers are neurodivergent, and trained in providing neurodivergent affirming care. In addition, we are also queer/trans-affirming, weight-inclusive, and trauma-informed.

Aleta Storch MS, RDN, LMHC
(She / Her)
Founder, Nutrition Therapist, and Certified Body Trust® Provider
Hi! I'm Aleta, the founder of Wise Heart Nutrition. I have been personally and professionally devoted to learning, practicing, and a promoting Health at Every Size (HAES®), which is rooted in socially-just, weight-neutral and non-diet care, for over 15 years. I believe that bodies are inherently different in size, shape, and capability, and that every body deserves respect, compassion, and care. I do not see health as a moral imperative, a reflection of a person's value, or an obligation. I want to help you establish a compassionate and trusting relationship with food and your body, and to support you in your journey towards value centered living.
My goal as a provider is to offer weight-inclusive, compassionate nutrition and mental health support to those struggling with any food or body image concerns, as well as issues related to chronic disease. Through my work, I also strive to dismantle diet-culture, bring awareness to the proliferation of weight-stigma and it's negative effects, and fight against fat-phobia.
I personally have combined-type ADHD, and have dedicated much of my work to the neurodivergent population. I love supporting ADHDers in better understanding their brain, and how it relates to their experience with food and eating. I work with clients to establish ADHD-friendly tools and systems that support full body and brain nourishment.
I am a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist as well as a Washington State Licensed Mental Health Counselor. I graduated from Bastyr University in 2016 with Master’s degrees in Nutrition Science, Dietetics, and Clinical Health Psychology. I became a Certified Body Trust® Provider in 2017. My education and training have provided me with a unique understanding of the inherent connections between food, body, mind, spirit, and community.
Aleta works with clients ages 16+ and currently has a waitlist.

Marcy Landes
(She / Her)
Practice Manager
Hi there! My name’s Marcy and I’m so excited to be apart of the Wise Heart Family! As the Practice Manager, I will be supporting in all things scheduling, blogging, social media-ing.
I’m a recent Graduate of my Masters of Science in Nutrition for Health Coaching and Culinary Nutrition. I value the lifelong journey of creating a healthy and loving relationship with food and our body. I use gardening, cooking, and fermenting as tools to deepen these relationships and create more connectedness and wellbeing within ourselves. Other ways I stay nourished include travel (gardening, farming, host family living in Latin America), cooking up a storm, and getting on stage to sing for jams and open mics around town!
You can contact me with any questions at
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336 36th St, STE 778, Bellingham WA, 98225